Past Issue
International Artist 138
April/May 2021
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 138 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Indoors & Outdoors
Lori Putnam's artwork is informed by her experiences painting both in plein air ans within her studio
Medium to Medium
Plein air artist Zufar Bikbov utilizes pastels to assist in the creation of his oil paintings
Wherever it Leads
Joyce Fournier's abstract expressionist artwork develops through an organic process of paint application
Into the Jungle
Marco Grasso achieves realistic wildlife art by focusing on color, light and composition
No Boundaries
Lyudmila Tomova creates fluid, rhythmic watercolors that embody a sense of freedom and spontaneity
Oliver Pyle
The Peaceful Painter
Mixing & Match Color
John Lovett delves into color theory and demonstrates how to properly mix pigments
The Art of the Portrait
Chair's Letter
Joseph Daily: Seeing the Details
Master Showcase
Enhance and Protect Your Finished Oil Paintings
Professional Artist
Galleries and an agent can work together
On Location
Inside the studio of Leslie Lewis Siegler
Painting Workshop
In every issue of International Artist we will feature a Painting Workshop from Richard Robinson, one of New Zealand's best artists
Virtual Art Academy
Color Maps & Lerici Harbor
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you