Past Issue
International Artist 132
April/May 2020
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Hidden in Plain Sight
The highlights of reflective surfaces allow Kim Starr to create unique focal points in her paintings
Emotional Connections
Jeannie Dolan's paintings reflect the emotion she felt upon finding her subject matter
Northern Exposure
Canadian artist Shawn Robichaud aims to paint the mood, light and effects of his natural surroundings
Letting the Subject Lead
The focal point dictates the compositions in Nathan Fowkes' artwork
Abstract Reality
The watercolor paintings of Slawa Prischedko rely on tonal values and perception
Details of Nature
The overlooked details of the natural world inspire Rukiye Garip's paintings
Sidra Kaluszka
Working with the water
Beyond the Subject
John Lovett provides tips for engaging the viewer in a composition
Cara Gonier
Combining art forms
A Complex Medium
The traditionally black-and-white medium of scratchboard comes to life in Amy Stauffer's animal portraits
Marion Tubiana
Reflecting the soul
The Art of the Portrait
Chairman's Letter
Words of Wisdom from the 2020 Faculty -- Part 2
Building a Painting
Professional Artist
A professional artist is not merely a painter-- that is an artist.
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you