Past Issue
International Artist 123
October/November 2018
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 123 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Turning Colored Pencil into Paint
Jesse Lane creates the richness and feel of a photographic oil painting with colored pencils
Evolution of the Self-Portrait
Figurative artist Haley Hasler uses the self-portrait as a vehicle for larger narrative paintings
Noah Buchanan
Technical and contemporary
Informed by Culture
The figurative watercolors of Liu Yunsheng reflect the Tibetan way of life
Birds in Watercolor
Gordon Hanley discusses the color and diversity of birds in watercolour painting
The Importance of Edges
John Lovett shares his methods for controlling edges in watercolour painting
Amanda McLean
Pastel Perspectives Part 12 - Underpainting Technique
The Art of the Portrait
Chairman's Letter
Professional Artist: Find Your Niche
How to market your brand of artwork
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paintings from hos online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 79
Suggestion & China, Xinjiang Yili
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you