Past Issue
International Artist 118
December/January 2018
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 118 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Individual Style
Paul Balmer shares his unique approach to painting that utilizes unconventional tools and perspectives
Interior Settings
Alexander "Sasha" Sergeeff relies on research and observation to paint rooms filled with life and energy
Victoria Herrera
Creating harmony
The Art of Persistence
The super-realistic paintings of David Holmes highlight his extreme precision and meticulous methodology
Josef Kote
Expressing your inner vision
The Language of Watercolor
Zhou Tianya shares the importance of color, value, composition and individuality in watercolor painting
Amanda Hyatt
Lessons in Watercolour, Part 7 - Painting Figures
From Little Things...
Painting small-scale sketches enabled John Lovett to experiment with technique and compositions
Amanda McLean
Pastel Perspectives, Part 7 - Seascapes
The Art of the Portrait
Focus on Materials
In each issue we examine some of the essential art materials available to practicing artists
Art Workshop Guide
Find art workshops all around the world
Chairman's Letter
Balancing a Creative Life: An Interview with Artist Susan Wakeen
Master Showcase
An oil demonstration with Candice Bohannon
Professional Artist: Do people buy artwork the first time they think about it?
Strategies for marketing your artwork to current and new collectors
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paintings from his online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 74
Color Spots & The New Mengu Village
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you