Past Issue
International Artist 117
October/November 2017
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 117 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Properties of Water
Sheri Farabaugh's seascapes hone in on the reflections, transparency and movement of water
Inner Excitement
Jenny Buckner paints subjects and compositions she finds visually stimulating
Suggestions of Reality
Georg Douglas blends natural and molecular elements in his abstracted floral paintings
Josh Clare
Appreciating beauty
F. Michael Wood
Simple forms
A Contemporary Approach to Watercolor
Jiang Ye discusses the benefits of using modern technology to create innovative compositions
Steve Morris
Avian architecture
Direk Kingnok
Worldly impressions
Amanda Hyatt
Lessons in watercolour Part - 6 Tonalists vs. Colourists
Grey Hues
John Lovett discusses the importance of grey in watercolour painting
Setting the Stage
The underpainting of Jeanne Rosier Smith's pastel seascapes helps establish values and keeps pigments vibrant
Amanda McLean
Paster Perspectives, Part 6 - Cloudscapes
Professional Artist: How to Increase Your Sales through Exhibitions
We continue our last article with additional information on sales, pricing and finding new prospects who are interested in your work
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paintings from his online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 73
Mass Notan & Moody Evening, Garrapata, Big Sur
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you