Past Issue
International Artist 115
June/July 2017
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Form and Content in Painting
Philip Miles explains how he balances form and content to create a powerful and dynamic work of art
Andrew Hindman
Abstracted reality
James Neil Hollingsworth
Photographic Reference
Kristian Mumford
Visceral process
The Importance of Concept
Chinese artist Xi Guo creates paintings where every element serves a purpose to the completed composition
Amanda Hyatt
Lessons in Watercolour, Part 4 - Loosening up
Sketchbooks, Journals and Diaries
John Lovett discusses the importance of note taking and sketches in art
Susan Lynn
Direct observation
In the Field
Firsthand observation allows Anne Peyton to paint the details, textures and movements of birds with ease
Achieving Atmosphere
The pastel paintings of Alberto Piedra Fernández have strong atmosphere that is both realistic and artistic
Amanda McLean
Pastel Perspectives, Part 4 - What Colour Paper Should I Use?
Linda Kukuk
Inside scratchboard art
Creating Glamour with Metalpoint
Join the world revival of this art form by learning from this "Living Master" of the medium Gordon Hanely
The Art of the Portrait
Chairman's Letter
Master Showcase
Never Without Inspiration
Kate Sammons
An oil demonstration
Professional Artist: Why Are Commissions So Important?
A look at the key elements of commissioned artwork
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paintings from his online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 71
Space Division & Hunan Sunset
Important Principles of Art:
Harley Brown's fascinating things no one else will tell you