Past Issue
International Artist 114
April/May 2017
Subscribe Now Purchase a Copy of Issue 114 of International ArtistDemonstrations & Workshops
Two-part Scenes
The setting and the narrative are the primary components of Robert Hagan’s impressionistic works
Blending Methods
Deborah Tilby aims to harmonize painterly elements with detail and texture in her compositions
Eric Armusick
Character development
Anne Zamo
Harmonious compositions
Sahin Karakoc
Balanced narrative
Fundamentals of Art
To create a solid composition, Stan Miller relies on drawing and visual elements he has learned during his art career
Amanda Hyatt
Lessons in Watercolour, Part 3 – Techniques
Painting Vietnam
John Lovett paints the villages of Vietnam using a subtle and unpredictable gouache technique
Beauty in Nature
Pastel artist Debbie Graviss finds inspiration in the wonder of the surrounding world
Amanda McLean
Pastel Perspectives, Part 3 – Field Sketches – Quick Cloudscapes, Outdoors
The Art of the Portrait
Chairman’s Letter
With the 2017 The Art of the Portrait Faculty
Jeffrey Hein
Painting from Life
Professional Artist: Should you consider prints?
The pros and cons of creating prints of your artwork
Painting Workshop
New Zealand artist Richard Robinson critiques some student paintings from his online workshop and demonstrates key points with his own painting
Discovering Art: The Making of an Artist Part 70
Texture & Mauritius After the Storm
Important Principles of Art
Harley Brown’s fascinating things no one else will tell you